Vegan Espresso Overnight Oats.

What do you get when you whip creamy caramel dates with ice-cold plant milk, pour into a jar of rich coffee, hearty jumbo oats, crunchy chia seeds, and add a touch of vanilla… THEN top with a coffee caramel glaze and let it firm up overnight?

Serves: 1 | Total Cooking Time: 5 minutes + overnight


  • 50g oats

  • 2 tsp chia seeds

  • 1 tsp ground coffee

  • 120 ml plant milk of choice (I like unsweetened almond, oat, or soya milk)

  • 1-2 medjool dates, pitted

  • 10g vanilla protein powder


  • 1 tsp date syrup

  • 1-2 tsp (roughly 5-10g) vanilla protein powder

  • 15g smooth almond butter

  • 1 tsp ground coffee

  • 1-2 tbsp water


  1. First remove the stones from your dates and chop them up really fine. (to make life simpler, you could also place them into a blender along with your plant milk and blend for 1 min or so). TIP: you want soft, creamy dates, so if all your dates are slightly hard, soak them in boiling water for 5 or so minutes and continue with this step.

  2. Place your oats, chia seeds, vanilla powder, and ground coffee into a jar, bowl, or tub and mix together. Then pour in your dates and milk and mix again throughly.

  3. To make the coffee glaze, mix all the ingredients into a small cup or bowl until smooth. Then pour on top of your oats.

  4. Place in the fridge overnight for the creamiest breakfast you’ve ever had, which also gives you your coffee hit all in one! Perfect!

Enjoy! Lots & lots of love.

P.S Please share with me on social if you made this, it really helps me a lot and I appreciate it more than you ever will know x

let night do the work:


Double Chocolate Brownie Baked Oats.


Spelt & Oat Crêpes.