Chunky Monkey Smooth Overnight Oats.

It is a smoothie? Is it a dessert? It is oatmeal? Or can it be all three? This peanut butter, banana and chocolate protein smoothie is my OG breakfast from years ago when I first went vegan & I don’t think it will ever fall from the top spot in my eyes. Swap the straw for a spoon to eat this utterly irresistible smoothie, or see the blog below to transform it back to a ‘drinkable’ version. Either way, this one is one you don’t want to skip.

Serves: 1 | Total Cooking Time: 5 minutes (& Overnight)


  • 1 banana, peeled (can be frozen or unfrozen)

  • 15-20g smooth peanut butter

  • 1 tbsp cacao powder

  • 120ml unsweetened almond milk (or plant-milk of choice)*

  • 50g porridge oats (gluten-free as needed)**

  • 20g unflavoured brown rice protein powder


  1. If using porridge oats, place the oats into a blender fist and blend for a few minutes until crummy and fine like a flour.

  2. Add in the remaining ingredients and blitz until lovely and smooth. Because of the thickness, you may need to stop and start your blender a few times, especially if your blender isn’t that powerful, to manually mix it around if some mixture gets stuck. Try to refrain from adding any extra liquid or this may disrupt the end product’s firmness.

  3. Place the smoothie in the fridge overnight. The oats will absorb all the liquid and turn your smoothie into a lovely thick, mousse-like breakfast dessert! Yum!

Enjoy! Lots & lots of love.

P.S Please share with me on social if you made this, it really helps me a lot and I appreciate it more than you ever will know x


Classic Banana Oat Protein Pancakes.


Chocolate Orange Smoothie.