Smooth Banana Choc Oatmeal.

Don’t shoot me, but as DELISH as ice cold smoothie bowls are, they definitely don't warm up your soul in the winter months quite like a bowl of steaming, creamy oatmeal. With that said, smoothie bowl withdrawal symptoms are something that I don’t want to experience (yes, they’re a real thing). So… as the temperature drops and the days get shorter over here in the uk this smooth banana choc oatmeal is a must have! It’s thick, creamy and smooth just like a smoothie bowl; with the subtle hint of the classic smoothie bowl ingredient: banana, in there too, but (!) it’s hearty, warm, filling, and substantial for your wake-up morning breaky!

Serves: 1 | Total Cooking Time: 20 mins


  • 60g ultra-fine oats

  • 20g brown rice protein + 10g vegan vanilla protein powder (or 1 tsp vanilla extract if not using protein powder)

  • 1 banana

  • 10g cacao powder

  • 150ml unsweetened almond milk

  • 15g nut butter (I recommend peanut butter, almond butter or cashew)

  • 100ml fresh water

  • optional: 1/2 tsp of cinnamon & a dash of maple syrup for those sweet tooth’s


  1. Simply add all the above ingredients into a blender and blitz until smooth. If you find it doesn’t blend very well, then add in splashes of water, until it does. Then transfer the smooth mixture into a saucepan on medium heat.(note: for those not using protein powder, add in a dash of vanilla extract to replace the vanilla protein)

  2. Add in the fresh water little by little while its cooking until you reach your desired consistency and thickness (for those not using protein powder, you may not want to add much water or else it could become too runny). Alternatively, if it thickens up too fast, then feel free to add even more water! Continue to stir consistently.

  3. Once the oatmeal has thickened (roughly 10 minutes), pour into a bowl and top with your favourite toppings! I used granola, pumpkin seeds, freeze dried raspberries, plant-based yoghurt & sliced banana.


Vegan Vanilla Chai Pancakes


Crunchy Chocolate Hazelnut Granola.